Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 7

Home from my weekend away, and I really enjoyed myself and was able to stick to the diet!!!  It's been a week today and I find that I'm feeling pretty good.  I haven't had bread, rice, pasta, or potatoes in 7 days, and I survived!  I just have no interest right now in candy.  Billy just called and asked me if I wanted any Girl Scout cookies.  I told him to get some for the family, but I won't have any.  I don't feel deprived, I feel motivated!  It's such a good feeling to know that I'm able to say no.

Today I ate:
1/2 veggie omelet from IHOP (no cheese or tomatoes)
1/4 cup red bell pepper
3/4 cup spicy ground turkey
1/2 chicken breast in basalmic vinegar sauce with TONS of veggies...totally YUM!
1/2 cup green beans
lots of water

Today I exercised:
went for a walk with the dogs and my husband in the rain

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