Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2

It's day 2 and so far so good.  It was hard last night at dinner when everyone was having mac-n-cheese with their chicken and I was just having veggies with mine.  And after dinner, it was really hard not to get up and eat.  I wasn't hungry, but I'm so used to eating all evening.  Going for a walk last night was good.  After 20 minutes, though, of pulling the kids and keeping the dog from pulling me, I was ready to be done.  We're going to make it a nightly thing...eat dinner, clear the table, go for a walk.  Tonight we have cheerleading with the girls, so we may need to go walk around the community center. 

Today I ate:

15 almonds
1 cup red and green bell peppers sliced with 1 tbsp fat free cream cheese
2 cup iceberg lettuce with 1/4 cup diced bell pepper and 1 tbsp vinegrette
1/2 cup chicken salad
1 cup chicken
1 cup iceberg lettuce with 1/4 cup diced bell peppers and 1 tbsp homemade mayo
64 ounces water

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Good for you, Christina!! I totally support you! I'd check with a nutritionist to make sure you're getting the right amount of calories and nutrients, if you haven't aleady. I used to walk the baseball and soccer fields!! Best of luck to you!! xoxo