Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 5

Yesterday was a good day, except for my allergies.  Spring has sprung in Las Vegas and it's killing my eyes.  The diet seems to be going good.  At school yesterday, the 2nd year students had a guest speaker and danishes provided.  The person who ordered was kind enough to order enough trays for our class too, and for the 3 hours of class, I was never tempted to get up and get one.  I just sat at my desk, drinking my water and enjoying my bell pepper strips with fat free cream cheese.  My classmates were so proud of me, and I am too!

Yesterday I ate:
8 almonds
8 cashews
3/4 cup spicy ground trukey
1 cup bell peppers and celery with fat free cream cheese
8 oz chicken breast with mushroom, onion, and basalmic vinegar sauce
1 cup broccoli
48 oz water
32 oz ice tea

Yesterday I exercised:
30 minutes of fast walking with Billy

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